This is how it all began, our first introduction to Hallspeeed, we made a rear wing for the Hallspeed Toyota works team's Yaris,  all 875 grams of it and then one part became another and when we looked we had created the original non metal Hallspeed Toyota Hilux.......

Just a nice photo..........

Then it grew to this after it was decided to go composite on the 

race bakkies to get weight down.............

And this is how the bakkie design began on a jig table at 

Hallspeed.  A concept made of wood and masking tape being 

juggled around by a few like minded dreamers.

And it started to grow...............

The we I believe reached what I now realise was a watershed part of our relationship with 

Glyn Hall, he told me to take the project to our humble workshop and create his car... we have worked there ever since

Only now do I realise the trust he showed. Ok the dust and dirt also played a role, lol.........

Pattern making old school........... later which when scanned we were 

within a 3mm accuracy...........

With some work it started to look like something........


At last we had patterns to mould........


So we created a few moulds..........

Then quickly put some stuff in the moulds............

And got some parts........... if I look at our present bonnets we 

have learnt a few things along the road.

The original bonnets were functional, the latest 2018  are larger 
yet  33% lighter and are composite art compared to the first ones, which were not bad, but were also not art.

This is one of the first generation bakkies

And then to this 2016

Then to this TWD 2017

Which became this TWD 2017...................

Which became 4WD IMA 2018

And now we have what is actually the 2022 bakkie as it will only 

be legal in 2022.